SCYE010 's-Gravelandseweg te Schiedam


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SCYE010 's-Gravelandseweg te Schiedam



The former 1970s office building on the 's- Gravenlandseweg has been uniquely transformed into a contemporary and sustainable building with 219 spacious and bright flats.
The name SCYE010 connects Scyedam, the original settlement, with the future: the metropolis of Rotterdam.

The flats are equipped with horizontally opening windows in the living room. These windows allow plenty of natural light into the flat and create a sense of 'being outside'.

- Fully furnished flats
- Central location near Schiedam station and A20 motorway
- A-label
- Bicycle storage in basement
- Heat and cold storage installation

Parking spaces are available in this complex. Renting a parking space is possible from EUR 55 per month. It is also possible to rent a storage room, the rent for which is EUR 30 per month.
The photos used with this ad are for illustration purposes only and may have been taken in one of the other flats.


Amount of homes 71
Rental price € 35,- to € 1.825,- p/mo


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