Te huur: Velperweg 49 57

6824BG Arnhem (Appartement)

€ 677,04 p/mo

Options I am interested

Te huur: Velperweg 49 57

6824BG Arnhem (Appartement)

€ 677,04 p/mo


Rental price € 677,04 p/mo
Service costs € 125,- p/mo
Security Deposit Fixed income: € 677,04 / Entrepreneur: € 1.354,08
(Please note: this is an indication, different requirements may apply.)
Square meters 25 m2
Bedrooms 1
Energy label A
WWS Points 119
Status For rent
Available as per Direct
Complex House of Arnhem te Arnhem (more information about the complex)



MVGM Rotterdam
Coolsingel 120
3012AG Rotterdam
+31 88 43 24 700

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