Gereserveerd: Tussenbusstraat 72

3534BM Utrecht (Appartement)

€ 929,32 p/mo

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Gereserveerd: Tussenbusstraat 72

3534BM Utrecht (Appartement)

€ 929,32 p/mo


Welcome to Tussenbusstraat 72 in Utrecht, an attractive 3-room flat with all modern conveniences. This property offers a nice living room, two bedrooms and a neat kitchen. The spacious layout makes the house feel pleasant and easy to furnish to your own liking. The location is ideal, with shops, public transport and Utrecht city centre within easy reach.

This property is perfect for those looking for a quiet but centrally located place to live. Make an appointment for a viewing soon and discover for yourself the comfort and charm of this beautiful home.

Interested? Let us know via the website!

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Rental price € 929,32 p/mo
Service costs € 75,- p/mo
Security Deposit Fixed income: € 929,32 / Entrepreneur: € 1.858,64
(Please note: this is an indication, different requirements may apply.)
Square meters 55 m2
Bedrooms 3
WWS Points 198
Available as per 1 april 2025
Complex 2663 Cartesius Solo te Utrecht (more information about the complex)




MVGM Amersfoort
Van Asch van Wijckstraat Van Asch van Wijckstraat Van Asch van Wijckstraat 55
3811LP Amersfoort
+31 88 43 24 700

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